Monday, 27 October 2014



The decade 2000-2010 was a decade which people remember for many reasons. There were good times and happy events, for instance, the euro was put into service. There were also difficult times such as Afganistan War, Irak War, the attac from Al-Qaeda, the Israeli-Palestian Conflict...
In the world of music, there were a lot of Hip Hop and pop artists in the charts, for example Eminem and Beyoncé. Michael Jackson died in 2009. In cinemas, there was a magnificient innovation: the 3D viewing. Popular films were The Lord of the Rings, Avatar, Pirates ofthe Caribean, some superheroes films, such as The X-Men, Spiderman... In 2005 Sean Connery decided to retire. Fashions were inpirated on 1960s, 1970s and 1980s fashions. It started with a futuristic fashion, then with a causal fashion with cargo-pants and then the skinny pants became popular.

By the end of the decade, the world was a different place. The Internet was already in all the houses, there were smartphones...


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