Monday, 17 November 2014



Halloween is a festival celebrated on the evening of the 31st October in Ireland, United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia... In conclusion, it is celebrated in the territories of the British Commonwealth, and recently, all around the world.

Halloween is based in an old Celtic festival: the Samhain. Celtics celebrated the end of the harvest season and the New Years Eve. Also, in Samhain, it started the dark season of the year. Celtics celebrated making huge bonfires, getting drunk, eating, dancing and with druidic festivals. Samhain last six or seven days: three before and three after 31th October. In these days the border between the deads world and the our world was thiner. For that, spirits and other evil creatures walked through our world.

Then, when Christianism was imposed, Samhain evoluted to All Saints on 1st November, and the night before was All Hallows's Eve, that evolutioned to Halloween. The kids made jokes and tricks. Tricks went more and more, so the neighbours made treats to calm the childs.


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